Fraud Offence Lawyer - MK Law Firm
MK Law
Fraud Offence Lawyer Melbourne

Defending Your Rights and Pursuing Justice

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The law firm you hire matters.


Top-tier Legal Expertise

Michael Kuzilny's dedication is a testament to his reputation. Widely acknowledged across Victoria's legal community, MK Law stands as a beacon of expert defense and representation.


Transparent Approach

We are committed to clarity and transparency. All aspects of your legal journey, including fees and processes, are discussed upfront.



At MK Law, the client is always at the heart of our services. With a tradition of open communication, we ensure you remain informed, empowered, and comforted throughout your legal process.

Experienced Lawyer with a Remarkable Track Record in Fraud Defence

Michael Kuzilny and his team are the preferred choice for fraud offence representation in Melbourne, guiding clients through the complex legal process.

Michael Kuzilny

What our valued clients say about us

  • I had an absolutely outstanding experience with MK Law. From the moment I was referred to them by a trusted friend, I knew I was in the best possib... Read More
  • As some body who had some serious traffic offences from 16 years ago and found myself in trouble again l was looking at a-serious conviction that ... Read More
  • Gabrielle Yozefovich did an outstanding job as the lawyer for my partner. The outcome at court was far better than expected, a small fine only. G... Read More
  • What can I say, Gabrielle did an amazing job. She was super easy to deal with, very professional and kept me well informed throughout the process. ... Read More

Types of Fraud Offences​

Some of the main categories of fraud offences we assist clients in defending include:

  • Identity Fraud: Using stolen or falsified identification information to impersonate someone and gain access to their finances, data, benefits, etc. This can involve phishing scams, skimming credit card data, creating fake IDs.
  • Superannuation Fraud: Illegally accessing someone’s retirement account funds or avoiding superannuation obligations.
  • Investment Fraud: Deceptive investment offerings like Ponzi schemes, pyramid schemes, advance fee frauds, etc. meant to swindle individuals.
  • Tax Fraud: Illegally avoiding tax obligations, such as by deliberately underreporting income, overstating deductions, hiding assets/income.
  • HECS Fraud: Avoiding repayment of student loans through deceptive means.
  • Centrelink Fraud: Illegally obtaining welfare, unemployment, disability or other public benefits through deception.
  • Securities Fraud: Insider trading, accounting fraud, and other deceptions for unfair stock market gain.
  • Mortgage/Loan Fraud: Lying on financing applications about income, assets, employment, etc. to obtain loans.
  • Credit Card Fraud: Making unauthorised purchases through techniques like stolen cards, hacking, skimming, etc.
  • WorkCover Fraud: Faking injuries or conditions to unlawfully claim workplace insurance benefits.
  • Embezzlement: Fraudulently misappropriating funds, assets, or resources legally entrusted to someone in their professional role.
  • Money Laundering:
  • Healthcare Fraud: Billing for false services, falsifying diagnoses, accepting kickbacks from service referrals.
Michael Kuzilny
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Customised Defence Strategy Based on Your Case Details

Every fraud allegation involves unique circumstances. MK Law’s experienced criminal lawyers take a tailored approach to build the strongest case for each individual client. In a free initial consultation, we’ll listen closely to the details of your situation so we can advise how to proceed.

Depending on the circumstances, we may recommend seeking complete dismissal of charges or negotiating lowered charges.

For example, we may dispute that deception occurred or that you intended dishonesty. Or we may seek to have the case heard in the Magistrates Court rather than higher courts, arguing the charges meet the requirements for summary jurisdiction pursuant to the Criminal Procedure Act.

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Frequently Asked Questions

If you are under fraud investigation or have been charged with a fraud related offence in Victoria, you likely have many pressing questions. Here are answers to some of the most common questions we receive about defending against fraud accusations:

What Activities Can Constitute Fraud Under Victorian Law?

Many dishonest behaviours may qualify as fraud under Victorian statutes like the Crimes Act 1958 and Summary Offences Act 1966. Common fraudulent activities include:

  • Obtaining property, financial advantage, or business opportunities through intentional deception
  • Identity fraud involving use of fake or stolen ID information
  • Credit card fraud through techniques like skimming or phishing
  • Tax evasion or avoidance of government fees/fines
  • Superannuation, investment, or welfare fraud
  • Falsifying financial or business records/statements
  • Mortgage or loan application fraud

This list highlights just some examples of fraud offences. MK Law’s dedicated fraud lawyers can explain whether your situation may qualify as an illegal dishonesty offence.

What Are Potential Penalties If Convicted of Fraud in Melbourne?

Fraud convictions often carry severe sentences under Victorian law, including:

  • Obtaining property or financial advantage by deception – 10 years maximum imprisonment
  • Falsified statements/records – 10 years maximum imprisonment
  • Blackmail – 15 years maximum imprisonment
  • Centrelink fraud – 10 years maximum imprisonment

Penalty severity depends on case specifics like the dollar value involved and timespan of activities. But any fraud conviction can gravely impact finances and freedom. Engage MK Law’s experienced legal representation to protect yourself.

What Are Some Possible Defences Against Fraud Charges?

Skilled Melbourne criminal lawyers may be able to defend against fraud accusations by challenging elements like:

  • No deceptive intent – Argue you did not knowingly mislead and lacked intent to defraud
  • Incorrect identity – Contest it was not you who performed the fraudulent acts
  • Claim of right – Assert you had a legitimate claim, permit, or approval for funds/property obtained
  • Unwilling deception – Claim you were unknowingly or unwillingly involved in the fraudulent scheme

An experienced criminal lawyer can advise if these or other defences may apply in your case after taking your instructions.

How Can MK Law Lawyers Help If I’m Under Fraud Investigation?

If police contact you for questioning or records related to a fraud probe in Melbourne, a lawyer can provide vital support:

  • Counsel whether to comply with interviews or records requests
  • Guide what information to provide or avoid disclosing
  • Ensure your legal rights are protected
  • Clarify the status of any investigation and possible charges
  • Provide general advice for responding to investigative inquiries

Don’t undergo questioning or share information before discussing with a lawyer first. The criminal lawyers at MK Law can guide you through the investigation process.